Jordan and I have been very active recently in the Yes on 8 campaign in CA. It's something that we feel very strongly about. We have encountered a lot of enthusiasm and support for Proposition 8 as we've surveyed people on the phone and talked with people on the street regarding their position. For us, it's imperative that marriage retain its traditional definition. Our only disappointment through our avid support of Proposition 8 is that some opponents misconceive the amendment as some kind of hate initiative. This notion is just not true. We love people, regardless of sexual orientation. Nevertheless, domestic partnerships and civil unions already provide non-heterosexual couples all rights associated with civil marriage. So why extend the definition of marriage to include anyone other than 1 man and 1 woman? Allowing non-heterosexual couples to be married threatens the very nature of marriage and societal values. Schools WILL be required to teach homosexual relationships on the same plane as heterosexual ones. Kids will be exposed to this at an early age, as the recent history of Massachusetts has shown. Further, the very idea of religious freedom, upon which this country was founded, may be compromised when religious organizations refuse to hold marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples. These are only a couple of the possible repercussions that worry us should Prop 8 not pass. That's why we ask Californians to
Vote Yes on Proposition 8
this November. Again, this is NOT about hate, it IS about protecting the sanctity of marriage for ourselves and our children. That is why it's important that we maintain the traditional definition of marriage to be one between a man and a woman. More information regarding Proposition 8 can be found at www.